Bruce Silverglade

Name: Bruce Silverglade

    President and owner of Gleason's Gym since 1983.
    • He has served as the president of the Metropolitan Amateur Boxing Federation.
    • Chairman of the National Junior Olympic Committee, and member of the National Selection Committee.
    • Author of "The Gleason's Gym Total Body Boxing Workout for Women A 4-Week Head-to-Toe Makeover" (With Hector Roca).

Favorite Book: "Beyond Glory: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, and a "World on the Brink" by David Margolick

"This book described the era--the political and social makeup of America and Germany--leading up to the legendary heavyweight fight between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling. In those days, everyone knew the heavyweight champion in the same way that he or she knew the president, and a knockout punch could resonate deep into society at large. I loved reading this book because I love history and boxing."

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