Robert "Preacherman" Daniels

Name: Robert "Preacherman" Daniels

    WBA Cruiserweight Champion -- 1989 Nov 27 – 1991 Mar 8
    • IBA Super Cruisereight Champion.
    • IBC Cruisereight Champion.
    • IBO Cruisereight Champion.
    • WBF Super Cruisereight Champion.
    • Defeated Dwight Muhammad Qawi (SD 12).
    • Defeated Kenny Keene (W 12).
    • Defeated Mike Sedillo (W 10).
    • Defeated Don Diego Poeder (KO 10).
    • won 49 (KO 41) + lost 9 (KO 2) + drawn 1 = 60 rounds boxed 310 : KO% 68.33

    Favorite Book: "Marshall Keeble: Biography & Sermons" by B. C. Goodpasture

    "This book is about a humble preacher-man limited in education but wealthy in wisdom. He didn't allow his lack of education to stop him from winning souls for Christ. I read this biography around 2003 and couldn't put it down. It's about 102 pages and I read it in one day."

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